Beans and Brews

StoneBrewing proudly crafts vegan beers!

This weekend I found myself at Stone Brewing Bistro & Gardens in Escondido, strolling through the brewery’s drought-tolerant gardens and drinking Coffee IPA. I love the taste of coffee and beer so I had to try a combination – I will say though, that a vegan diet has given me the energy to end caffeine consumption and limit desire for alcohol.

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I have also recently learned that not all beers are created equal. Many alcoholic drinks, including popular wines and beers, use animal parts in the filtering process. Beverage companies have released statements that discarded fish bladder remnants, for example, remain in their drink product. Fish bladders are a byproduct of the fishing industry. Although the use of discarded animal parts isn’t directly killing the animals, it is in direct support of animal exploitation and upkeeps animal farming demand.

Because the government doesn’t require alcohol companies to list ingredients and nutritional information on packaging, it might seem daunting to tackle the sea of beer in search of cruelty-free products. Barnivore is an easy, quick way to make sure you are supporting vegan products with your dollar, and not drinking fish bladders.


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